Green Remodeling Practices
Marrokal Design & Remodeling incorporates most, if not all, of the following green practices into each of our remodeling projects. NOTE: some options are performed only upon special request*.
In-Home Green Practices:
- Consider and take advantage of passive solar where possible during design
- Climate – temperature, wind, humidity, rain, sun
- Home orientation & southern fenestration
- Natural ventilation and shading
- Overhangs
- Thermal mass
- Consider and use highly durable products where possible
- Concrete
- Metal
- Stone
- Brick
- Tile
- Consider and use when possible, products/design that improve light quality
- Skylights
- Solar tubes
- Clerestory windows
- Construction materials are brought to recycler (wood, steel, glass, paper, etc…)
- Crawl space sealing
- Donation of usable appliances, doors, windows upon request*
- Garage to house separation sealing*
- Insulate entire hot and cold water piping system*
- Installation of ductwork in conditioned space*
- Provide insulation excellence certificate
- Test and certify green home design and construction*
- Test for lead and asbestos
- Whole house sealing
Green Materials/Appliances/Systems
- California compliant VOC paints and finishes
- Cool roof systems*
- Duct mastic (in lieu of duct tape to seal ducts)*
- Energy efficient windows*
- Engineered woods: TJIs, PSLs, OSB
- Fluorescent lighting
- High fly ash containing concrete (3250 psi)
- Highly energy efficient windows
- Hot water on demand circulation systems*
- Insulation made from wool or recycled denim*
- LED lighting*
- Low- and no-VOC paints and finishes*
- Pervious concrete paving*
- Pre-finished cabinets and flooring*
- Programmable thermostats
- Radiant barrier plywood
- Storm water pollution control devices
- Tankless hot water systems*
- Upgraded fiberglass
We provide access to vendors or trade contractors that offer the following:
- Chemical free products (i.e, natural linoleum, wool, seagrass, or sisal carpets)
- High efficiency heating & air systems
- High efficiency water heating systems
- Low flow plumbing fixtures
- Readily renewable materials (i.e., bamboo and cork flooring)
- Solar electric systems
- Whole house fans
*This service/product must be specially requested by client.