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Terrific Tips on Remodeling Your Empty Nest

Being an empty nester is a bittersweet moment. It signals the end of a wonderful chapter of your life, but it is also an opportunity to focus on you and the things you might have been putting off. Perhaps, it’s time to turn your house into your dream home.

To lay the groundwork for your empty nest home remodeling project, check out what Marrokal Design & Remodeling has done for other homeowners whose children have left the nest.

List Your Goals

Start by writing down your objectives. You can’t conceptualize any home improvement without a clear understanding of your goals. Put your ideas into words, so you can easily review and change them when you desire.

Before focusing on the small details, think big. Imagine the kinds of rooms you have always wanted to have but could not because they were your children’s’ rooms or play areas. Living in an empty nest is an exciting rediscovery of your home, you can unearth new spaces in old places and make them exactly the way you like.

Think About “Aging-In-Place” Design

Whether you want to give your outdoor space a facelift or you simply want to do a bathroom remodel, keep accessibility, convenience, and independence in mind. If you plan to grow old in your current residence, it is imperative to remodel it with features that will allow you to age in place.

“Aging-in-place” design is all about retrofitting your house with features that make it as livable when you are older as it is now. Your personal needs will change 10 to 20 years from now, so it is wise to make the necessary changes now so that your home can become a forever home and be comfortable for you in your golden years.

Meet With Experts

You do not have to renovate your entire house right after all of your children have moved out. Give yourself time to think about the kind of remodel that would be most beneficial to you. Consult with experts to help guide you through the process. Sitting down face-to-face for a consultation can help you understand what is possible for your home. You’ll also be introduced to new ideas that you might not have thought of. The best way to see what’s possible is to explore. Look at online galleries and videos to see what you like and what you don’t. Many times, homeowners find they can do more with their home than they expected but they would have never considered a particular remodeling project unless they met with contractors who have expertise and knowledge to show them what can be done.

Subscribe to our blogs to learn more insightful ideas about home improvement. To discuss your empty nest remodeling idea with Marrokal Design & Remodeling, call (619) 441-9300 to set up your free consultation in San Diego, CA.

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