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Remodeling & Repairs That Help Sell Your Home Faster & For More Money

If you’ve decided to sell your home, then it’s time to carefully inspect it to see if any remodeling and repairs will help sell your home faster and for more money.

There’s only one chance to make a first impression with buyers.

Make sure you’re showing off your home and highlighting any remodeled areas.

If you’ve done lots of home improvements, and kept good records, compile a one-sheet that shows exactly what you have had done, how it’s increased the value and the functionality of the home. This might have been something like taking out a wall and opening up the kitchen to the living room to create a great room that allows for more entertaining without feeling compartmentalized and separated from guests in the other room.

Buyers are interested in the phases and transformation of a home. They’re curious how it’s been cared for over the years and what types of remodeling projects were done to it. This helps buyers think about other areas they might want to improve in the future. Maybe they’ll want to raise the roof and add a second story, like this couple did. Watch the video.

Selling your home faster and for more money means you need to take away any obstacles buyers might see.  Clear away clutter so buyers can see things like your beautiful hardwood floors. In narrow rooms, remove anything that might be sitting on the floor and accentuate the height of your room. If you added things like beautiful ornate windows, be sure to put that on your one-sheet.

These remodeling projects are likely to add more comfort and value to your home.

Kitchen remodels:  Small kitchen remodel projects that cost approximately $20,000 bring a big return about a 79.3 percent return (national average) when the home is sold.

Siding replacement: This is a big one for homes because for buyers, it’s all about the curb appeal. When they first see your home from the outside they expect it to look good. Expected recoup on investment is 92.2 percent of its cost nationally on average.

Here are a few more things you can do to sell your home faster and for more money.

Remove Carpet & Repair Wood floors: Carpet can easily take a beating over the years or, if it’s simply outdated, it can be a big turnoff for sellers. If your carpet is worn and/or old, consider replacing it with a neutral color. In some cases, especially with older homes, wall-to-wall carpet is covering up highly-coveted wood floors. Pull up the carpet and repair the wood floors, if necessary. Wood floors are a huge draw for sellers but if they’re all scratched up, it can make sellers feel like the house hasn’t been maintained.

Check Plumbing: Fix all plumbing issues before you list your home for sale. That dripping faucet that you’ve endured will not necessarily be tolerated by new buyers. Plumbing is an essential to good living. It’s a real headache to move into a home where the sink is backing up all the time. Buyers will walk through the home and run faucets to see if they’re functioning properly. If you fix these items before you list your property, you’ll have less chance of a buyer wanting to chisel the price down more than is necessary to fix the plumbing issue.

Fix cracked tiles and broken cabinets: If you have cracks in your tile, replace it. If buyers see cracked tiles, they might think that there is a bigger problem. Cabinets that aren’t properly opening and closing is also a red flag. While it doesn’t take much to fix cabinets or, even replace them, oftentimes sellers are too busy with other things to be bothered to fix them. These things can be, at the very least, an eyesore to buyers and, worst case, reasons to move on to the next home.

Restore Decks: Repairing wobbly decks is a sound investment. It’s not only a hazard that an inspector would likely point out but it’s also a way to help showcase a nice outdoor area. A deck that has been repaired and refinished is inviting to buyers. It helps them see how they can use the outdoor space for extended living space.

Repair electrical issues: Lights flickering or not working at all is another headache for buyers and a complete turnoff or an opportunity for buyers to request a reduction in price. Fixing electrical issues is a good way to keep buyers focused on the great aspects of your home. There is a reason Realtors often say a home is “light and bright”.

The goal is to remove the barriers to purchasing from buyers’ minds before any home maintenance issues can become a bargaining chip.

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