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Outdoor Living Rooms for Winter

Christmas this year was one of the warmest Christmas days on record. It was a clear and sunny day perfect for sitting outside and spending time with family. Even though the holiday this year was a bit warmer than usual, warm winter days are not anything out of the ordinary to San Diego residents, which is why an outdoor living room is a great idea for an addition to any home. The space is great for warm days and heating implements can be strategically placed to make spending time outdoors at night enjoyable as well. Heat can be transferred to an outdoor space subtly through things like lamps or through a gathering spot like a fire pit.

There are a variety of different designs that can be used to build an outdoor living room. Outdoor spaces can be constructed to have a permanent roof much like any other room in the home, or temporary coverings like awnings and umbrellas can be added for protection from the elements like rain and sunshine. Outdoor living spaces can also have a lots of decorative touches like waterfalls, elegant lighting and plants that can enhance the experience of relaxing outside immensely. Whatever it is that you want out of an outdoor living space, Marrokal has the right tools and experience to make your ideas come to life.

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