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Aging in Place for Safety and Ease of Mobility

If you are aging gracefully, securing your home as a safe and mobile area is key to long-term living in the home that you’ve grown to love over the years. With San Diego aging in place improvements, we can upgrade your home with the following features to make sure that you stay comfortable:

• Creating ramps or slopes instead of steps for easier and faster access to the home.

• Decreasing the height of steps for people who don’t need a ramp but could still benefit from easier access to different level rooms.

• Using materials for flooring that grip or are skid proof to reduce falls. This can be especially important for bathrooms and kitchens.

• Adding lighting at the bottom of the stairwell: reduced lighting, especially at the foot of the stairs, can cause accidents and injuries for seniors.

• Adding grip bars in bathrooms and railings in hallways: signs of fingerprints on walls in hallways often indicate that someone living in the home may need assistance with balance in those areas.

• Changing doorknobs to handle levers so that they are easier to open whether someone is elderly or has an injury such as a broken arm.

• Adding walk-in showers that are convenient for both showering the dog and rolling in a wheelchair or walker.

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