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Design That’s In in 2011

Smaller Homes

For those families purchasing new homes, many are looking for more modestly sized properties than the McMansions of the past. Being more attracted to the space they need rather than the space their ego wants – is on today’s agenda. It’s all about being more value conscious and living authentically. Although some newly built homes may be shrinking in size – by only about 10-15% (reducing overall room sizes), the high-end materials and finishes are in no way compromised.

Greener, Healthier and Smarter Homes

The current scene is definitely green. Energy efficiency is fast becoming the hottest and most desirable remodel trend or “shift” in the home design and building industry.

Universal Design

Renovating your existing home and removing interior walls creates an open, spacious and more flexible floor plan. This immediately improves the layout and flow of the home and makes it more comfortable and versatile for families who love to entertain.

Work Spaces

The homeprenuer trend is not just growing – it’s intensifying. With an unstable economy comes the opportunity for more people to work from home either part time or launch home-based businesses. Today’s technology makes it easy to be as productive at home as in an office-based location.

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