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Creating Energy Efficient Homes

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We have all heard about the benefits of creating energy efficient homes, but what exactly does that entail?  It may seem overwhelming to transform your home into a “green” home but there are little changes you can make to get big results.  To start the switch to energy efficiency, the first step is replacing those old energy-sucking appliances.  By simply replacing your old refrigerator and dishwasher with Energy Star products you can save both money and energy.

Another simple change is to replace your windows.  Many homeowners do not realize just how much energy is wasted as a result of inefficient windows.  To begin, have a professional check all windows in the home for leaks.  Once you determine where the leaks are, you can start to replace said windows.  This will improve insulation and keep the temperature of the home just right.  By keeping the heat and air inside, you will only be paying for the energy you actually use.  It is also a good idea to have a professional check your doors for leaks and cracks in your foundation, as those can cause a loss of efficiency as well.

Installing a programmable thermostat will also help you conserve energy and save on costs.  It is recommended that all homeowners use their heating and air conditioning strategically and keep track of the difference.  The more you are aware of how you use energy, the more mindful you can spend it.

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