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9 Amazing Ideas for Feng Shui Inspired Reorganization: Bring more positive energy into your house

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Since March is the month everyone starts mildly decluttering their home, it’s recommended you follow in their footsteps and do the same. There is a lot to gain by creating some order around the house. The following 9 feng shui updates can be completed in any home will make your house look a lot more spacious and positive.

  1. Squeaks have to fixed as soon as possible

If the front door squeaks heavily, then it needs to be fixed right away. Not only is it annoying and it can severely affect mood, but some legends have it that if your door squeaks, it invites evil spirits inside. To fix it, make sure to grease the hinge and while you’re at it, do the same for every other door in the house.

  1. Use the front door more often

A lot of people will use the back door to get in their home, but from a Feng Shui perspective, that limits the amount of positive energy in your life. Since the front door represents the way chi enters people’s life and home, it’s best that it’s used more often.

  1. The best place to put your Feng Shui fountain

According to Feng Shui principles, water equals riches. Therefore, if you’re currently asking yourself where you should put your Feng Shui fountain, it’s best to place it near the front door. One last thing to consider is ensure the water flows towards the center of the house so it balances the flow of energy.

  1. Close the bathroom door

The bathroom is of major importance when it comes to Feng Shui principles because water generally flows away from the room, which translates to wealth leaving the house. However, water does come back in after it gets drained, so to be safe, the bathroom should be kept closed and the toilet seat cover down.

  1. The plants above your kitchen cabinets

Did you know that in Feng Shui it’s best that you have no space between your kitchen cabinets and the ceiling? Since dust accumulates there quickly and it’s rarely wiped off, it results in negative energy that slowly spreads around the house. To prevent that, make some adjustments to the kitchen cabinets or better yet: place some green plants in this location to bring energy and life to the space.

  1. Your bed’s location

For important furniture inside your house, Feng Shui uses the commanding position to locate it. Since people spend a lot of time in their bed, it needs to face the door, but doesn’t have to be in line with the door when lying on it. Therefore, the best way people can ensure they keep the positive energy flow constant is to move the bed so that they’re diagonally across the room from the door leading into the bedroom.

  1. The bedroom TV needs to be covered up

Most people use the TV to relax or entertain themselves, but the truth is that the type of interior peace they’re looking for makes it a disruptive force that needs to be eliminated. While it’s not possible to move the TV to another room, one could use a piece of fabric (like a scarf) and cover it or create a special cabinet with a door to hide your TV.

  1. Every window in the house should be cleaned

Since windows are the home’s eyes that see the world and you see through them, it’s best they are kept clean so you are best able to experience all that the universe has to offer you. Get some water, a bottle of vinegar and some rags and start wiping them right away. In no time, you’ll feel much better, relaxed and have a clearer mind.

  1. Clear your space

In time, your home will store negative energy that needs to be removed from time to time in order to maintain a positive environment. To do that, people can burn some palo santo wood essence. However, if you don’t have it or don’t like palo santo, you could just spray some natural orange essential oil (with water) around the house or smudge with white sage. Regardless of which of these negative energy busters is used, people should also picture their home being filled with positive energy and their current goals which they strive to achieve in the future.

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